4th BioMEMS and Microfluidic Technologies Workshop
8 - 9 May 2025
Ä°zmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH)
Ä°zmir Türkiye
The 4th BioMEMS and Microfluidic Technologies Workshop will be held in a hybrid format (online and in-person) at IZTECH on 8-9 May 2025.
Additional information about the program, abstract submissions and registration will be shared soon. Stay tuned for updates. The abstracts will be evaluated through a peer-review process. Accepted abstracts will be published online. The abstract submission will be open soon.
Organization Committee
Hüseyin Cumhur Tekin, Ä°zmir Institute of Technology (co-chair)
Ender Yıldırım, Middle East Technical University (co-chair)
Haluk Külah, Middle East Technical University
Gamze KozanoÄŸlu, ODTU MEMS Center
Gizem Özdemir, ODTÜ MEMS Center
Pınar Demirekler Burat, ODTÜ MEMS Center
Scientific Committee
Ali KoÅŸar, Sabanci University
Arda Deniz Yalçınkaya, Bogazici University
Arif Engin Çetin, Ä°zmir Biomedicine and Genome Center
Barbaros Çetin, Ä°.D. Bilkent University
Cihat Taşaltın, TUBITAK Marmara Research Center (MAM)
Devrim Pesen Okvur, Ä°zmir Institute of Technology
Emine Yegan Erdem, Ä°.D. Bilkent University
Gizem Çalıbaşı Koçal, Dokuz Eylül University
Hasan UluÅŸan, Middle East Technical University
Ä°lke Gürol, TUBITAK Marmara Research Center (MAM)
Özlem YeÅŸil ÇeliktaÅŸ, Ege University
Sinan Güven, Ä°zmir Biomedicine and Genome Center
UÄŸur Tamer, Gazi University